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about korban

Colchester Korban is a Christian based charity providing supported housing for 16 – 25 year olds who have found themselves in crisis. We aim to offer young people a home, support and guidance as they prepare themselves for independence. Colchester Korban was started as a churches’ response to youth homelessness.


Nearly half of people living in supported accommodation are aged 16 - 24. Young people have been hit hard by reductions to youth services and welfare reform over the last few years, and assistance with accommodation is needed now more than ever.


"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty."   Mother Teresa

Homelessness among young people is often a hidden issue and many of those facing this problem are still in education, training or work. The rising pressure that comes from being faced with homelessness has a devastating effect on all areas of life.


Korban has been providing young people with a place of care and safety since 2008.  We continue to see homelessness among young people as an issue that must be addressed.


A small team of dedicated staff handle the day-to-day running of the project.  The charity is overseen by a Board of Trustees made up of local people with a variety of skills, who all carry a passion to help homeless young people.  We are thrilled to have the Right Reverend Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester as our patron.  


You can read more about the work of Korban in both our

Annual Report 2023-24

Korban Booklet


Click here to view our accounts. 

Click here to read the Chairman's report.  

Click here to read the Manager's report.  



“I have found that my confidence is getting better and having the
support has helped a lot.”

Aaron, aged 19

(name changed)


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fuelled by fareshare

Korban is proud to be supported by Fareshare.  

Each week, the project receives a food donation via a local supermarket which provides additional items to the communal kitchen for the residents' use.  It is a much appreciated contribution to our work.  

You can find out more about FareShare here:

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acts 435

We are also pleased to work in partnership with Acts 435.  

Acts 435 is a revolutionary initiative which allows people to give directly to those who have specific needs.  As an advocate, Korban can post requests for our residents' one-off needs onto the Acts 435 website in order to raise funds.  

You can find out more about Acts 435 here:

office hours
monday - friday
9.00am - 5.00pm
charity no: 1125617
company no: 06630415
Bethany Place,
St. Anne’s Vicarage, Compton Road, Colchester, CO4 0BQ
tel: 01206 869533
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Colchester Korban Project
Working with young people in crisis

Patron: The rt revd roger morris,

bishop of Colchester and The Venerable Ruth Patten, Archdeacon of Colchester

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